Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

Let's stir this up a bit ;-)  I recently had occasion to exchange ideas with 
Larry Hastings about topsorts for use in a package manager he's writing.  I 
thought his API for adding edges was ... perfect:

    add(node, *dependson)

So, e.g., add(A, B, C) says A depends on B, and on C, but says nothing else 
about B and C.  This is almost always the way topsorts show up in real life:  
you know what a thing depends *on* directly, but have scant idea how things may 
be in the opposite direction.  For example, you know that baking a cake 
requires (among other things) flour, but have no real idea of the universe of 
other things that require flour.  Likewise Larry knows which packages each 
package requires, but not the reverse.  Etc.

Nodes with no edges are trivial to add then:  add(A).

If you're building input to a topsort from a graph, also trivial:

    for n, p in node2predecessors.items():
        topsort_instance.add(n, *p)

and it doesn't matter whether the predecessors in the original graph were 
stored in a list, set, tuple, or any other iterable container.  Nothing special 
about an empty collection of predecessors either.

The other big thing that came up is that most topsort programs were useless for 
his goal:  downloading and installing packages takes significant wall clock 
time, and there's huge opportunity for exploiting parallelism.  But a flat 
sequence in topsort order gives no clue about what _can_ be done in parallel.  
Instead you really want several methods, like


to say that you're done building the graph; and,


to get all nodes ready to go, which haven't already been returned by 
get_ready() calls (initially, this is the collection of nodes with no 
predecessors, which prepare() can know); and,


to say that `node` (returned by a previous call to get_ready()) is finished 
now, so that the next call to get_ready() can return all (if any) nodes for 
which `node` was the last non-done predecessor; and,


to say whether the topsort can make more progress (is_active() returns True iff 
there are still nodes ready to go that haven't yet been passed out by 
get_ready(), or if the number of nodes marked done() is less than the number 
that have been passed out by get_ready()).

These are all easy to code, and allow the user to extract all the opportunities 
for parallelism that theoretically exist.  There is no static order that can do 
so, since the opportunities that exist at any time depend on the times and 
order in which nodes are marked done() in real life - and that may vary from 
one run to the next.

Of course a deterministic static order can be derived from those, like, e.g.,

    def static_order(self):
        while self.is_active():
            for node in self.get_ready():
                yield node

For parallel use, e.g.,

    while instance.is_active():
        for node in instance.get_ready():
        node = outq.get()

where worker threads or processes take nodes to work on off of queue `inq`, 
then, when the work for a node is done, put the node on queue `outq`.

Am I seriously suggesting this for Python?  Sure.  It's fun to advance the 
practical state of the art :-)

nosy: +tim.peters

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