New submission from Nick Coghlan <>:

While reviewing ISO-IECJTC1-SC22-WG23's latest draft of their Python security 
annex, I found a description of operand coercion that was based on the legacy 
coercion model described at

That's still the second highest link if you search for "Python operand 
coercion", while the highest link is this old, very brief, summary from Python 
in a Nutshell: (still 
based on the old semantics where the inputs were coerced to a common type 
before calling the slot method, rather than giving the method direct access to 
the original operands).

The third highest link at least goes to PEP 208 
(, which correctly describes the 
modern semantics, but it describes them in terms of the CPython C slot API, not 
the Python level special method APIs. 
does technically provide the required information, but it's implicit in the 
description of the numeric arithmetic methods, rather than being clearly 
spelled out as a clear description of "Python operand coercion". (There are 
also some oddities around operand coercion for three-argument pow() that I'm 
going to file as their own issue) references
 which describes defining new numeric ABCs in a coercion-friendly way, but 
still doesn't spell out the operand precedence and coercion dance.

We could likely improve this situation by adding a new "Special method 
invocation" subject at the end of, moving the existing 
"Special method lookup" subsection under it, and then adding a second 
subsection called "Operand precedence and coercion".

That new subsection would then cover the basic principles of:

* for unary operands, there is no ambiguity
* for binary operands of the same type, only the forward operation is tried (it 
is assumed that if the forward operation doesn't work, the reflected one won't 
* for binary operands where the type of the RHS is a subclass of the type of 
the LHS, the reflected operation is tried first (if it exists), followed by the 
forward operation if the reflected call does not exist or returns the 
NotImplemented singleton
* for binary operands of unrelated types, the forward operation is tried first 
(if it exists), followed by the reflected operation if the forward call does 
not exist or returns the NotImplemented singleton
* for ternary operands (i.e. 3 argument pow()), the behaviour is currently 
implementation defined (as the test suite doesn't enforce any particular 
behaviour, and what CPython does isn't obviously useful)

Other specific points to be covered would be:

* any argument coercion that occurs is up to the individual method 
* logical short-circuiting expressions (and, or, if/else) only call the 
equivalent of bool(expr)

While the corresponding reflected operations for the binary operators are 
covered in the documentation of the forward operations, it would also likely be 
worthwhile including a summary table in this new subsection of exactly which 
special methods support reflection, and what the reflected method names are.

messages: 359788
nosy: ncoghlan
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Language reference does not clearly describe modern operand coercion
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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