New submission from Mike Solin <>:

Hello Python developers!

I'm looking to deploy Python 3 silently to the Macs that I manage, so I can use 
Python for various scripts. I'm using Munki to accomplish this. However, the 
Python_Documentation.pkg subpackage includes this code in the postinstall 

# make link in /Applications/Python m.n/ for Finder users
if [ -d "${APPDIR}" ]; then
    ln -fhs "${FWK_DOCDIR}/index.html" "${APPDIR}/Python Documentation.html"
    open "${APPDIR}" || true  # open the applications folder

Would it be possible to test for the $COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL variable before 
opening a Finder window? If the $COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL exists, it'd be really 
great if it didn't open the Finder. This would allow me to silently deploy 
Python 3 without disrupting my users.



components: macOS
messages: 361610
nosy: flammable, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Check for COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL variable in Python_Documentation.pkg
versions: Python 3.8

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