Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

Be cautious about this.  Many years ago I looked into this, mostly in the 
context of the list sort's binary insertion sort, and results were all over the 
map, depending on the compiler in use, the optimization level, and the range at 
which (if any!) memmove() was actually faster than a simple loop.  A fancy 
memmove() will (at least) arrange to copy (say) 8 bytes at a time, but the 
overhead of setting that up (+ the function call) made it a loser when the 
number of bytes to be moved was "too small".

Don't know whether the comment in listobject.c's binarysort() still applies:

           Caution: using memmove is much slower under MSVC 5;
           we're not usually moving many slots. */

Optimizing to move 100,000 elements isn't really sane - cutting the constant 
factor on an inherently quadratic-time too-simplistic basic approach isn't 
really doing you a favor ;-)

Also note that sortedcontainers does not use unbounded-length Python lists 
under the covers.  It puts an upper bound on the length of the Python lists it 
uses, precisely to avoid visibly quadratic-time behavior.

nosy: +tim.peters

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