Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

selection_clear only partially clears a selection.  That it does something is 
proven by selection_clear.py.  It disables selection_get.  But run the file in 
IDLE and when it finishes, click the tk window, select a line, click Shell, and 
manually repeat the last 3 lines.  selection_get is disabled again, but upon 
clicking the title bar of the tk window (to not affect selection in the 
window), the selection is still highlighted.  Further experiments showed that 
the insertion-deletion bug of this issue remains when using selection_own and 
selection_clear in IDLE.

The alternative of simulating a click on the moved insert cursor is harder by 
works, at least on Windows.  This also triggers a status-bar update -- see 

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file48957/selection_clear.py

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