Yi Luan <itachi.l...@gmail.com> added the comment:


Thanks for taking time to reply my question.

I suppose the title I put was a bit confusing.

And the recommended way to generate time in UTC does solve this issue, in 

However the message I was trying to convey is, the behavior of timestamp() is 
one action too much from my point of view.

Say, for example, if I'm sending data generated on my local machine (in CST 
time) to someone else, and for easy comparison and precision I used 
`datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()` as the value of time fields. I would 
naturally think that the timestamp() function returned the timestamp of my 
local time. And if the person who received the data, instead of using Python, 
used Node.js to import those timestamps, and told by me that the timestamps 
were in CST time. Then he/she will get the wrong time since those timestamps 
were actually in UTC.
As Scott Mayer, the author of Effective C++, once said, "APIs should be easy to 
use correctly and hard to use incorrectly", timestamp() functions from my point 
of view did one thing too much, it shouldn't shift any datetime object that it 
was fed into.
And in the documentation of datetime.timestamp(), there is no warning about 
this behavior, only a note on getting the UTC time. It only says "Return POSIX 
timestamp corresponding to the datetime instance". From my understanding POSIX 
timestamp is the time elapsed since epoch, not time elapsed -8 hours on CST 
timed machines since epoch.

By it's nature, timestamps couldn't and shouldn't incorporate any timezone 
information, when only presented with a naive datetime, program should only 
convert it to whatever datetime that timestamp represents, rather than thinking 
that the machine is in some timezone and shifts it by some time and then 
converts it.

Sorry if what I wrote does not make sense, the reason for me to use utcnow() is 
just to demonstrate, from my point of view utcnow() or utcfromtimestamp() did 
nothing wrong, but the problem lies with the timestamp() and fromtimestamp() 
functions' extra behavior.

Another example is, say, the current unix epoch is 1584330809, when I fed it 
into Python on my local machine, I get:
>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1584330809)
datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 16, 11, 53, 29)

when I fed it into Node.js, I get:
> new Date(1584330809*1000)

>From my point of view, the Node's behavior is much more natural and intuitive.

since we didn't know what timezone 1584330809 is in, the returned datetime 
should be just how many seconds elapsed since epoch, not my local time of the 


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