Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <> added the comment:

martin, hi, thanks for responding.

* graminit and configure were removed because they are built
automatically.  no project should ever include auto-generated files so i
assumed that it would be reasonable to remove them from the python_2.5.2
"original" git commit that i did, in order to produce the diff.  on a
build, graminit got _replaced_ with one that had ^M after evvvvery
siiingle line.

so - if graminit and configure _are_ in the main
python source tree, it's a serious mistake that should be
rectified _immediately_.

... but i doubt that, and so graminit and configure "appearing"
to be "removed" can be ignored.

* regarding your comment that compiling python under msys under wine
is a "minority platform", i believe that that is also a serious

the reason why it's a minority platform is because... THERE WASN'T

i.e. msys and wine simply have not been good enough - and certainly
not _demonstrated_ as being "good enough" - which this patch shows
that they now most definitely are - to _have_ any choice about
whether python should be compiled with purely free software tools.

instead of depending on some xxxxing proprietary piece of double-xxxx
operating system _and_ the development IDE it walked in on.

sorry about that - just to emphasise how distasteful i find it to
be _forced_ to use proprietary software, and i'm not the only

basically, it should be pretty clear that now that python _can_
be compiled for win32 using an entirely free-software platform,
the proprietary build chain should be absolutely dropped like a
red-hot stone.

... but regarding "minority platform"?  that's .... really quite
funny and ironic.

it was a _non-existent_ platform until about... yesterday :)

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