Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

The uploaded .png has the traceback.  (Pasting it into the post would have been 
fine and a bit easier for all of us.)  The error occurred when IDLE's config 
tried to load the user config files, ~/.idlerc/config-xyz.cfg. (~ is usually 
C:/Users/yourname.)  configparser.read opens the files with the default 
'encoding=None', which uses the current system default. This failed with the 
error given.  Either there is a byte error in one of the files or you 
customized IDLE with a non-ascii character before switching to utf-8, if indeed 
you switched.

In either case, the reading error does not appear to be an IDLE bug.  However, 
IDLE should catch UnicodeDecodeError, tell the user which file could not be 
read and how it failed, and move on as if it were not there.

Serhiy: Codec CP_UTF8 is not listed in 
https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings.  Should it 
be? Any other comments?

左迟: On my American machine, I can open Control Panel, select Clock and Region, 
Region, Administrative tab, and there is a button for 'Change system local...'. 
 It pops up a box with a checkbox "[] Beta: Use Unicode UTF8 for worldwide 
language support."  Is this what you meant, and/or what you did?

If the user config files were only written by IDLE, they could always be uft-8 
encoded.  However, users were once told to edit by hand, and there are still 
cased when they do, and for some things like loading custom keysets, it is 
quite appropriate.

stage:  -> test needed
type: crash -> behavior
versions: +Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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