Eric V. Smith <> added the comment:

I remain unconvinced, but I'm only one person. You might want to bring this up 
on python-ideas to see if it can get some more support.

But be aware this is going to have much less support that the recent PEP 616 
removeprefix/removesuffix discussion, which went on for weeks or months, and 
involved writing a PEP.

While the Wikipedia page you cite discusses how to convert a string of words 
into snake case, a PEP will require much more detail. Just a few off the top of 
my head: What happens to multiple space: does that become a single underscore, 
or multiple? Is all whitespace converted to underscores, including newlines and 
tabs?  Does it work if the string is already in CamelCase?

I also don't think swapcase or capitalize (plus some others) would be added 
today if they didn't already exist.

To me, this seems like something that belongs on PyPI (like, and not in the standard library.


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