Paul Ganssle <> added the comment:

I agree, this can be improved (particularly the first one). I believe we'll 
need to change it in the C implementation as well as the pure python version.

That said, the most useful thing for users would be a full formatting 
reference, which is too much to put in the docstring (and to maintain in at 
least 3 different places). I'm not sure *how* much better it can get, but at 
least the first one reads like a terrible self-referential dictionary entry 
"recyclist (n). a proponent of recyclism". At the very least it should 
disambiguate between `datetime.strftime`, `time.strftime` and `stftime(3)`.

nosy: +p-ganssle
priority: normal -> low
stage:  -> needs patch
type:  -> enhancement

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