Rémi Lapeyre <remi.lape...@henki.fr> added the comment:

> in real-life that b-prefixed string is just not readable by another program 
> in an easy way

If another program opens this CSV file, it will read the string "b'A'" which is 
what this field actually contains. Everything that is not a number or a string 
gets converted to a string:

In [1]: import collections, dataclasses, random, secrets, io, csv 
   ...: Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', 'x y') 
   ...: @dataclasses.dataclass 
   ...: class Valar: 
   ...:     name: str 
   ...:     age: int 
   ...: a = Point(1, 2) 
   ...: b = Valar('Melkor', 2900) 
   ...: c = secrets.token_bytes(4) 
   ...: out = io.StringIO() 
   ...: f = csv.writer(out) 
   ...: f.writerow((a, b, c)) 
   ...: out.seek(0) 
   ...: print(out.read()) 
"Point(x=1, y=2)","Valar(name='Melkor', age=2900)",b'\x95g6\xa2'

Here another would find three fields, all strings: "Point(x=1, y=2)", 
"Valar(name='Melkor', age=2900)" and "b'\x95g6\xa2'". Would you expect to get 
actual objects instead of strings when reading the two first fields?

> Incase it fails to decode using that, then it will throw a UnicodeDecodeError

I read your PR, but succeeding to decode it does not mean it's correct:

   In [4]: b'r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9'.decode('latin')                              
   Out[4]: 'résumé'

It worked, but is it the appropriate encoding? Probably not

   In [5]: b'r\xc3\xa9sum\xc3\xa9'.decode('utf8')                               
   Out[5]: 'résumé'

If you want to be able to save bytes, the best way is to use a format that can 
roundtrip bytes like parquet:

    In [18]: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'a': [b'a']})                         

    In [19]: df.to_parquet('foo.parquet')                                       

    In [20]: type(pd.read_parquet('foo.parquet')['a'][0])                       
    Out[20]: bytes


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