Timm Wagener <wagenert...@gmail.com> added the comment:

Hello Kyle, thanks for reviewing.

> I'm starting to agree that it makes sense to override the behavior for 
> `cancelled()`. However, it might make more sense to replace the 
> `self._cancel_requested` check with  `isinstance(self.exception(), 
> exceptions.CancelledError)`, as this more accurately indicates if and when 
> the gather() was cancelled. I don't think we should rely on 
> `self._cancel_requested` since it would be true before the future is actually 
> cancelled and not always be correct since the gather() can be cancelled 
> without setting `self._cancel_requested`.

My understanding of the current logic is, that there is a distinction between 
an explicit `gather().cancel()` and an external `child.cancel()`. This 
distinction is made by the `_cancel_requested` variable:

* **Explicit gather.cancel():** Only an explicit cancellation of the gather 
task should result in `cancelled() is True`. This explicit cancellation is 
indicated by `_cancel_requested`. It works regardless of the 
`return_exceptions` kwarg. value. A `CancelledError` is always raised at the 
`await` site and `cancelled()` is True, provided that a previous 
`gather.cancel()` has been `True`.

* **External invocation of child.cancel()/Implicit cancellation, finishing of 
gather:** In this case, no explicit user intent has caused a cancellation of 
gather. This is reflected by `_cancel_requested` being `False` and 
`gather.cancelled()` always being `False`. Instead based on the value of the 
`return_exceptions` kwarg.:
  * **False:** The normal `set_exception()` is invoked and the child exception 
is set on the gather future _(in this case a `CancelledError`)_ while also 
setting state to `FINISHED`. This results in the gather raising at the `await` 
site and finishing. What makes it slighty confusing though is the exception 
being a `CancelledError`. However, i believe its otherwise in line with how 
`Future.cancelled()` behaves for any exception.
  * **True:** `CancelledErrors` in children are collected and returned amongst 
other results and exceptions in a list.

> Here's one case where relying on `self._cancel_requested` for 
> future_gather.cancelled() wouldn't work, based on a slight modification of 
> the reproducer example:

As outlined above, i'd assume this falls into the category of _implicit 
cancellation, finishing of gather without user intent_ for which I'm assuming 
`cancelled()` should be `False`. However, as mentioned, this is just my 
assumption based on the logic. One could also take your viewpoint, that 
`cancelled()` should be `True` when `fut.exception()` is a `CancelledError`.

> This should be "was called *as* it finished", not "was called *after* it was 
> finished". If gather_future.cancel() is called after the future is 
> `FINISHED`, it will immediately return false since it checks `self.done()` 
> first

I assume that these scenarios apply, when this like `current_task().cancel()` 
is happening in a `done()` callback or such? It seems like many (corner)-cases 
can be created and i'm certainly not aware of them. However, as `gather()` adds 
it's own callback first to its passed futures, and `outer` is not available 
beforehand for any done callback registration, i'm not sure how much of an 
effort one would have to make to create the case you described. But maybe I 
also didn't really understand the point you are getting at.

> asyncio.gather() is not deprecated or scheduled for deprecation, it is simply 
> the loop argument being deprecated.

I was actually referring to [this PR 
comment](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/6694#issuecomment-543445208) , 
which I happened to stumble upon while researching for the issue.
> We'll likely have TaskGroups in asyncio 3.9 and will simply deprecate 
> asyncio.gather.

That's why I mentioned in the beginning that it may be a small, easy 
correctness improvement for a Python patch version if it's backwards compatible 
and not causing too much trouble. But maybe its also not considered that 
important anymore. I'd leave that up to the reviewers ;)


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