E. Paine <paineeli...@gmail.com> added the comment:

My initial thoughts were just to give the standard lecture on why "tkinter + 
threads = bad". However, looking again at the problem, the async handler error 
causes the Python interpreter to crash, which, no matter how frowned upon the 
code is, shouldn't happen.

Ultimately, the issue is that a Tkapp object is being deleted in any thread 
other than the one it was created in. I believe there are two parts to the 
solution, both of which are for the Tkapp object in the _tkinter module (as 
there is no guarantee that the user will go through the standard tkinter 

1. If a Tkapp object is created in a thread other than the main and it is made 
global, it is deleted in the main thread as part of the interpreter 
finalisation, not when the thread is finalising. I propose that the Tkapp 
object can only be created in the main thread, helping with part 2.
2. The Tkapp object 'refuses' to delete in a thread other than main, and 
instead gets collected on interpreter finalisation if needed (in the main 

I don't know how to implement this, but if someone has some ideas, I am more 
than willing to help solidify them into a PR.

Antoine, I hope you are the right person to add to the nosy for this (apologies 
if not).

nosy: +epaine, pitrou
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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