New submission from Julien Palard <>:

When running the following command from the Doc/ directory:

    ./venv/bin/sphinx-build -Q -b gettext -D gettext_compact=0 . ../pot/

everything goes right, but when running the following from cpython direcory:

    ./Doc/venv/bin/sphinx-build -Q -b gettext -D gettext_compact=0 Doc pot

we get:

    Extension error:
    Could not import extension asdl_highlight (exception: No module named 

This is because sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("../Parser/")) starts from the 
current directory, cpython/../Parser don't exists while Doc/../Parser exists.

It could be fixed by starting with a Path(__file__).resolve(), will PR it.

assignee: mdk
components: Documentation
messages: 373888
nosy: BTaskaya, mdk
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Sphinx can't find when not started from the Doc/ directory
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

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