New submission from Fabio Zadrozny <>:

When running Python in unbuffered mode it may fail to write all the contents to 
the actual console (on Windows).

The code below can reproduce the issue: 

import sys
s = ''
for i in range(1,301):
    s += f"{str(i*100).zfill(10)}{'x' * 89}\n"


When calling it with `python -u` it'll write only up to line 15000 and 
when calling it with `python` it'll write up to line 30000.

This fails because in `_textiowrapper_writeflush` it doesn't verify if all the 
contents have been indeed written and thus fails in a partial write. In 
buffered mode it works because `_io_BufferedWriter_write_impl` does the job 

I'm a bit uncertain on why doesn't `_io__WindowsConsoleIO_write_impl` itself do 
the loop to write everything instead of leaving it up to callers to do that 
work (apparently due to issue11395 it says that it only writes partially, but 
maybe the fix could've been to loop inside of 
`_io__WindowsConsoleIO_write_impl` to write everything instead of expecting 
callers to handle partial writes...

components: IO
messages: 378684
nosy: fabioz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Running Python in unbuffered mode may not write all contents to the 
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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