john_miller <> added the comment:

Short summary:
>icacls.exe C:\Python38-32\python.exe lists Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory 
>Level:(I)(NW) ** This might be the problem. Removing "L" with icacls might 
>User integrity level is usually "Medium"
>**When a user attempts to launch an executable file, the new process is 
>created with the minimum of the user integrity level and the file integrity 
>NOT TESTED "icacls.exe" with option "/setintegritylevel Medium" applied to all 
>relevant files in the Python-directory could changee the low integrity-level 
>inherited from "C:\".

The python-process runs under the username "Username" according to the 
>whoami.exe (in python.exe launched from a non-elevated console)
>whoami.exe (in python.exe launched from an elevated console)
>whoami.exe (launched directly from non-elevated console)

>icacls.exe "C:\Users\Username\Desktop" 
C:\Users\Username\Desktop NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)
>icacls.exe "C:\Users\Username"

(I used to UNIX-syntax as a short-hand for specified permissions relating to a 
specified user. I can see how that could introduce misunderstandings for 
everyone glancing over the text.)

I used procexp.exe to dig around the Security-tab of the active processes:
A difference between the processes seems to relate to MIC-labels on the running 
processes[1], especially when compared to a notepad.exe launched from a 
non-elevated console.

cmd.exe (Non-elevated) Medium -> python.exe Low
cmd.exe (Elevated) High -> python.exe High
cmd.exe (Non-elevated) Medium -> notepad.exe Medium

Low -> Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory Level
Medium -> Mandatory Label\Medium Mandatory Level
High-> Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level

It seems this labeling system is checked before Discretionary Access Control 
List's (DACL) come into play.[2]

>Windows defines four integrity levels: low, medium, high, and system. Standard 
>users receive medium, elevated users receive high. Processes you start and 
>objects you create receive your integrity level (medium or high) or low if the 
>executable file's level is low; system services receive system integrity. 
>Objects that lack an integrity label are treated as medium by the operating 
>system; this prevents low-integrity code from modifying unlabeled objects. 
>Additionally, Windows ensures that processes running with a low integrity 
>level cannot obtain access a process which is associated with an app container.

>**When a user attempts to launch an executable file, the new process is 
>created with the minimum of the user integrity level and the file integrity 
>This means that the new process will never execute with higher integrity than 
>the executable file. If the administrator user executes a low integrity 
>program, the token for the new process functions with the low integrity level. 
>This helps protect a user who launches untrustworthy code from malicious acts 
>performed by that code. The user data, which is at the typical user integrity 
>level, is write-protected against this new process.

The file integrity-level can be modified with icacls.exe and it's 
"/setintegritylevel [(CI)(OI)]Level"-option (Level= one element of 

(In theory "icacls.exe C:\Python38-32\python.exe /setintegritylevel Medium" 
might do the trick. I haven't tested this. I wonder if icacls would still list 
an integrity-level on the file for files that have Medium integrity.)

I'll also look into System Access Control List's (SACL)[4] too as mentioned in 

Using SetACL.exe [5], I found nothing of note:
>SetACL.exe -on "C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe" -ot file -actn list -lst 
for SACL-part: Everyone   write+WRITE_OWNER+WRITE_DAC+DELETE   audit   
>SetACL.exe -on "C:\Python38-32\python.exe" -ot file -actn list -lst 
for SACL-part: [empty]

>icacls.exe C:\Python38-32\python.exe BUILTIN\Administrators:(I)(F)
                           NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)
                           NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(I)(M)
                           Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory Level:(I)(NW) ** This 
might be the problem. Removing "L" with icacls might work.
>icacls.exe C:\Python38-32
C:\Python38-32 BUILTIN\Administrators:(I)(F)
               NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)
               NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
               NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(I)(M)
               NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(M)
               Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory Level:(I)(OI)(CI)(NW)
>icacls.exe C:\
C:\ BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
    NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(IO)(M)
    NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(AD)
    Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory Level:(OI)(CI)(NW)

icacls.exe "C:\Program Files" doesn't have "Mandatory Label\Low Mandatory 
Level" in it's ACL.

It's probably not related, but downloading with Chrome, sets an 
NTFS-alternate-datastream "Zone.Identifier" with content 
"[ZoneTransfer]"+line-break+"ZoneId=3" on files it downloads as of late.
("dir /R file.txt" shows file.txt:Zone.Identifier:$DATA ; access with 
"notepad.exe file.txt:Zone.Identifier").
Neither C:\Python38-32 nor C:\Python38-32 have any alternate data-streams 
attached. But double-clicking on python.exe directly gives a security-warning 
(probably due to low-integrity-level) talking about how files from the Internet 
can be dangerous.

(Internet Explorer might change it's own integrity level downwards once 
launched, because the file-integrity-level of the exe is not low.)

[1] )


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