Inada Naoki <> added the comment:

I'm big -1 too. But I am interested in Instagram usage.

* How % of heap are CoW-ed with gc.freeze()?
* When CoW happen? in execution time, or shutdown?
* Which type cause CoW?

I have two ideas to reduce CoW:

* Fast shutdown option
  Currently Python try to free object as possible in finalization. It will 
cause much CoW. It will very bad for applications using multiprocessing.Pool 
for parallel processing of large data.

* Use "legacy" Unicode representation for large strings.
  Unicode is cold, immutable. But refcount is not immutable. Currentlly, most 
unicode object is "compact": object header and data is in one memory block. We 
may be able to use "legacy" representation and put cold data into another page.

For long term, multi process friendly `pyc` format can share more memory inter 
processes, even though they are not created by prefork.

nosy: +methane

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