E. Paine <paineeli...@gmail.com> added the comment:

I have been looking for a more permanent solution to that proposed in PR-23156. 
The most obvious solution is probably what I suggested in msg380371 as I don't 
believe the calls to `wait_visibility` are required (though, I don't really 
know enough to say for certain so am wary of making the tests unstable in a 
different way).

Another initial idea I had would be to mess around with threads and interrupt 
the main thread (which would be caught and ignored) if `wait_visibility` took 
too long.

It would be better, though, if we could actively predict a `wait_visibility` 
failure. I looked again at the Tcler's wiki 
(https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/tkwait+visibility) and noticed the hidden 
discussion titled "Windows bug or whatever - looking for help". In that 
discussion is a description of exactly the issue we are facing:
"Under strange totally unrelated circumstances [...] tkwait waits forever."

There, the OP includes a version which only calls `wait_visibility` if 
`winfo_ismapped` is 1, saying:
"The "winfo ismapped" is only 0 if the tkwait will stall"

In some initial testing (see attached demo script - uncomment the update call 
for `wait_visibility` to stall) I found the opposite to be true 
(`wait_visibility` fails when the widget *is already* mapped - I think this is 
because `wait_visibility` is waiting for VisibilityNotify but this was already 
issued when the widget was being mapped). Another proposed solution on the wiki 
is to avoid `wait_visibility` completely and instead use a combination of 
various calls including `tkraise` & `focus_force` (ideas/opinions?)

Note: I included both `winfo_ismapped` and `winfo_viewable` in the test script 
to try and find a case where the value of one is not the same as the other but 
I believe `winfo_ismapped` is the one we would want to use.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49573/ismapped.py

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