shangxiao <> added the comment:

Oh apologies, I had "open" selected when I searched for prior issues.

Upon reading that issue I agree with Mr Hettinger's points about enum values 
not being a concern of the parser.

The solution for my needs was simple enough: I made my own action which simply 
set choices based on member values (I'm using user-friendly strings) and 
converted to the correct type upon being called [1].

Instead of removing any mention of enums from the docs - would a small example 
showing how to deal with them be worthwhile?

def enum_action_factory(enum_class):

    class EnumAction(argparse.Action):
        def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
            kwargs["choices"] = [member.value for member in enum_class]
            super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)

        def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string):
            if isinstance(values, str):
                converted_values = enum_class(values)
                converted_values = [enum_class(value) for value in values]
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, converted_values)

    return EnumAction


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