New submission from Donát Nagy <>:

The is_suburi(self, base, test) method of HTTPPasswordMgr in the urllib.request 
module tries to "Check if test is below base in a URI tree", but it uses the 
posixpath.commonprefix() function. This is problematic because commonprefix 
ignores the path structure (for example commonprefix(['/usr/lib', 
'/usr/local/lib'])=='/usr/l') and therefore the current implementation of 
is_suburi is essentially equivalent to calling str.startswith after some 
normalization steps.

If we want to say that is *NOT* below in a URI tree, then the call to commonprefix should be 
replaced by a call to posixpath.commonpath(), which does the right thing.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 383898
nosy: nagdon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr uses commonprefix instead of commonpath
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10

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