Ned Deily <> added the comment:

As Ronald notes, as of 3.9.1, we are for the immediate future providing two 
macOS installer variants: the traditional 10.9+ Intel-64 variant that is built 
on 10.9 and includes Tk 8.6.8 and the new "experimental" 10.9+ "universal2" 
(Apple Silicon and Intel-64) variant built on macOS 11 which included Tk 
8.6.10. As the new universal2 variant gains more exposure over the next 
releases of 3.9.x, we hope to migrate to that being the recommended variant and 
start to deprecate the traditional 10.9 variant for 3.9.x.  For 3.10 
pre-releases, we are now only providing the "universal2" variant; the next 
alpha release. 3.10.0a4, should be available very shortly and its macOS 
installer is built with the just released Tk 8.6.11. I have only run some 
preliminary tests at the moment and there do seem to be some changes and 
possible regressions in our tests when using 8.6.11 instead of 8.6.10 but I 
will investigate further over the next day or so and open issues as needed. 
Feel free to download 3.10.
 0a4 and test away!

I did not see any issues with missing icons; with a Python framework build, 
Python and IDLE both run under app bundles with supplied icons amd that still 
seems to be working. Things may well be different for non-framework builds but 
they were before, too.


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