Michael Felt <aixto...@felt.demon.nl> added the comment:

OK - looking at this again.

This looks very similiar to another 'coredump' issue (will have to look for the 
number later). iirc, when something called 'pgen', or similiar was modified.

Here is a lengthy `dbx` dump.

If I am reading this correctly, it is 'starting' in this area:

_PyPegen_run_parser(p = 0x0fffffffffffcb40), line 1121 in "pegen.c"
_PyPegen_run_parser_from_string(str = "compile", start_rule = 1, filename_ob = 
0x00000001100ee2b0, flags = 0x070000000007fb30, arena = 0x07000000000d3330), 
line 1250 in "pegen.c"
PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(str = warning: Unable to access address 0x15d4 from 
(invalid char ptr (0x00000000000015d4)), filename = (nil), mode = 268435455, 
flags = 0x482448c200000000, arena = 0x00000001001a1e3c), line 27 in "peg_api.c"
Py_CompileStringObject(str = "", filename = (nil), start = 268435455, flags = 
0x070000000007fb30, optimize = 268435455), line 1274 in "pythonrun.c"
builtin_compile_impl(module = 0x0000000100077a0c, source = (nil), filename = 
0x0000000110000e28, mode = "", flags = 1, dont_inherit = 1, optimize = 0, 
feature_version = 0), line 819 in "bltinmodule.c"
builtin_compile(module = (nil), args = 0x00000001100741c0, nargs = 2, kwnames = 
0x07000000000068f0), line 274 in "bltinmodule.c.h"
cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS(func = 0x0fffffffffffd030, args = 
0x0000000000001300, nargsf = 0, kwnames = 0x0000000000000008), line 457 in 

Here is the complete 'where' status:

(dbx) where
strncmp.strncmp(??, ??, ??) at 0x90000000001b3a0
_get_keyword_or_name_type(p = 0x0000000000000020, name = (nil), name_len = 0), 
line 535 in "pegen.c"
_PyPegen_fill_token(p = 0x00000001001be088), line 638 in "pegen.c"
_PyPegen_is_memoized(p = 0x0000000000000020, type = 0, pres = 
0x0fffffffffffc370), line 716 in "pegen.c"
dotted_name_rule(p = 0x0fffffffffffc400), line 3443 in "parse.c"
dotted_as_name_rule@AF452_298(??), line 3410 in "parse.c"
_gather_36_rule@AF453_127(??), line 17755 in "parse.c"
dotted_as_names_rule@AF454_299(??), line 3368 in "parse.c"
import_name_rule(p = 0x0fffffffffffc660), line 3000 in "parse.c"
import_stmt_rule@AF462_305(??), line 2932 in "parse.c"
small_stmt_rule(p = 0x0fffffffffffc7a0), line 1606 in "parse.c"
unnamed block in simple_stmt_rule(p = 0x00000001000df758), line 1428 in 
simple_stmt_rule(p = 0x00000001000df758), line 1428 in "parse.c"
unnamed block in statement_rule(p = 0x00000000000015d5), line 1262 in "parse.c"
statement_rule(p = 0x00000000000015d5), line 1262 in "parse.c"
_loop1_11_rule(p = 0x00000001000df6d4), line 16254 in "parse.c"
statements_rule@AF475_318(??), line 1197 in "parse.c"
file_rule@AF476_324(??), line 730 in "parse.c"
_PyPegen_run_parser(p = 0x0fffffffffffcb40), line 1121 in "pegen.c"
_PyPegen_run_parser_from_string(str = "compile", start_rule = 1, filename_ob = 
0x00000001100ee2b0, flags = 0x070000000007fb30, arena = 0x07000000000d3330), 
line 1250 in "pegen.c"
PyPegen_ASTFromStringObject(str = warning: Unable to access address 0x15d4 from 
(invalid char ptr (0x00000000000015d4)), filename = (nil), mode = 268435455, 
flags = 0x482448c200000000, arena = 0x00000001001a1e3c), line 27 in "peg_api.c"
Py_CompileStringObject(str = "", filename = (nil), start = 268435455, flags = 
0x070000000007fb30, optimize = 268435455), line 1274 in "pythonrun.c"
builtin_compile_impl(module = 0x0000000100077a0c, source = (nil), filename = 
0x0000000110000e28, mode = "", flags = 1, dont_inherit = 1, optimize = 0, 
feature_version = 0), line 819 in "bltinmodule.c"
builtin_compile(module = (nil), args = 0x00000001100741c0, nargs = 2, kwnames = 
0x07000000000068f0), line 274 in "bltinmodule.c.h"
cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS(func = 0x0fffffffffffd030, args = 
0x0000000000001300, nargsf = 0, kwnames = 0x0000000000000008), line 457 in 
PyVectorcall_Call(callable = 0x0fffffffffffd0c0, tuple = 0x07000000000b9900, 
kwargs = 0x07000000000bf1c8), line 257 in "call.c"
do_call_core(tstate = 0x0000000000000001, func = 0x0000000000000002, callargs = 
0x0000000000000001, kwdict = 0x00000001100741c0), line 5092 in "ceval.c"
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x0fffffffffffd370, f = 0x07000000000aced8, 
throwflag = 1), line 3580 in "ceval.c"
_PyEval_EvalCode(tstate = 0x9f63fdf1699118db, _co = 0x070000000004ed80, globals 
= 0x07000000000754c0, locals = 0x0700000000051070, args = 0x0fffffffffffd4a0, 
argcount = 4765972565237396600, kwnames = 0x00000001000bb5e4, kwargs = 
0x07000000000683b0, kwcount = 2, kwstep = 0, defs = (nil), defcount = 0, kwdefs 
= (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0x0700000000055ad0, qualname = 
0x0700000000055ad0), line 40 in "pycore_ceval.h"
_PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0x0fffffffffffd560, stack = 0x00000001100aefa8, 
nargsf = 1152921504606836064, kwnames = 0x07000000000b70f0), line 413 in 
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x000000010001c9c4, f = 0xffffffff000b99c0, 
throwflag = 268435455), line 621 in "abstract.h"
_PyEval_EvalCode(tstate = 0x07000000000abd00, _co = 0x0700000000080870, globals 
= 0x0fffffffffffd880, locals = 0x07000000000acd60, args = 0x00000001000774ac, 
argcount = 5990971936392823232, kwnames = 0x0fffffffffffd880, kwargs = 
0x00000001100741c0, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 0, defs = (nil), defcount = 0, kwdefs 
= 0x070000000008ee80, closure = (nil), name = 0x0700000000080870, qualname = 
0x07000000000831c0), line 40 in "pycore_ceval.h"
_PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0x070000000005d920, stack = 0x00000001100a7cb0, 
nargsf = 1152921504606837152, kwnames = 0x4224224400000000), line 413 in 
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x0000000100079094, f = 0x00000001100741c0, 
throwflag = 117440512), line 621 in "abstract.h"
function_code_fastcall(tstate = 0x0700000000071790, co = 0x0700000000071788, 
args = 0x0fffffffffffdc00, nargs = 0, globals = (nil)), line 40 in 
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x0000000100079094, f = 0x00000001100741c0, 
throwflag = -2147483648), line 621 in "abstract.h"
function_code_fastcall(tstate = 0x07000000000abd30, co = 0x07000000000601b0, 
args = 0x0000000110010150, nargs = 5198324447627075472, globals = 
0x00000001000cfd9c), line 40 in "pycore_ceval.h"
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x07000000000642f8, f = 0x0000000000000001, 
throwflag = 0), line 621 in "abstract.h"
function_code_fastcall(tstate = 0x0700000000066326, co = 0x0700000000066310, 
args = 0x0700000000067200, nargs = 504403158266200968, globals = (nil)), line 
40 in "pycore_ceval.h"
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x0000000100079094, f = 0x09fffffff000d4d0, 
throwflag = 1), line 621 in "abstract.h"
function_code_fastcall(tstate = 0x000000007fffffff, co = 0x00000001100741c0, 
args = 0x0fffffffffffe2e0, nargs = 0, globals = 0x00000001000639b0), line 40 in 
_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(tstate = 0x0fffffffffffe5b0, f = 0x000000011000f7b0, 
throwflag = 1), line 621 in "abstract.h"
function_code_fastcall(tstate = 0x0fffffffffffe540, co = 0x00000001100741c0, 
args = 0x00000001000775cc, nargs = 0, globals = (nil)), line 40 in 
object_vacall(tstate = 0x0fffffffffffe5e0, base = 0x482402c8000b98b0, callable 
= 0x0000000100093d1c, vargs = (nil)), line 62 in "abstract.h"
_PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs(obj = (nil), name = 0x000000011003f360, ... = 
0x7000000000b98b0, 0x700000000050950, 0x0, 0x700000000053dc0, 
0x700000000053b00, 0x700000000053bc0), line 897 in "call.c"
import_find_and_load(tstate = 0x0000000110068100, abs_name = (nil)), line 1771 
in "import.c"
unnamed block in PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(name = 0x07000000000af090, 
globals = (nil), locals = 0x00000001003c75dc, fromlist = 0x000000011005ad00, 
level = 268435455), line 1887 in "import.c"
unnamed block in PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(name = 0x07000000000af090, 
globals = (nil), locals = 0x00000001003c75dc, fromlist = 0x000000011005ad00, 
level = 268435455), line 1887 in "import.c"
PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(name = 0x07000000000af090, globals = (nil), 
locals = 0x00000001003c75dc, fromlist = 0x000000011005ad00, level = 268435455), 
line 1887 in "import.c"
builtin___import__(self = 0x0000000100100c84, args = 0x0fffffffffffe970, kwds = 
0xbadc0ffee0ddf00d), line 280 in "bltinmodule.c"
cfunction_call(func = 0x0000000100076e4c, args = 0xbadc0ffee0ddf00d, kwargs = 
0x00000001100a7cb0), line 539 in "methodobject.c"
_PyObject_MakeTpCall(tstate = 0x0000000100088f74, callable = (nil), args = 
(nil), nargs = 4563878336, keywords = 0x0fffffffffffeaa0), line 191 in "call.c"
_PyObject_CallFunctionVa(tstate = 0x0ffffffffffffed0, callable = (nil), format 
= (nil), va = (nil), is_size_t = 117440512), line 60 in "abstract.h"
PyObject_CallFunction(callable = 0x0700000000050950, format = "OOOOi", ... = 
0x7000000000b98b0, 0x7000000000ad400, 0x7000000000ad400, 0x700000000093580, 
0x0, 0x0), line 579 in "call.c"
PyImport_Import(module_name = 0x0000000000000001), line 2088 in "import.c"
PyImport_ImportModule(name = "^O(invalid char ptr (0x0fffffffffffecf0))), line 
1488 in "import.c"
PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock(name = "^O(invalid char ptr 
(0x0fffffffffffedb0))), line 1506 in "import.c"
unnamed block in _PyCodecRegistry_Init(), line 1543 in "codecs.c"
_PyCodecRegistry_Init(), line 1543 in "codecs.c"
_PyCodec_Forget(encoding = ""), line 124 in "codecs.c"
init_stdio_encoding(tstate = 0x0000000000000013), line 16018 in 
init_fs_encoding(tstate = 0x00000001100a7cb0), line 16132 in "unicodeobject.c"
_PyUnicode_InitEncodings(tstate = (nil)), line 16148 in "unicodeobject.c"
init_interp_main(tstate = (nil)), line 1009 in "pylifecycle.c"
pyinit_main(tstate = (nil)), line 1097 in "pylifecycle.c"
Py_InitializeFromConfig(config = 0x0000000110098c70), line 1141 in 
pymain_init(args = 0x09fffffff000c9c8), line 66 in "main.c"
pymain_main(args = 0x09fffffff00009a0), line 698 in "main.c"
Py_BytesMain(argc = -1159983106, argv = 0xbadc0ffee0ddf00d), line 731 in 
python.main(argc = 0, argv = (nil)), line 15 in "python.c"


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