New submission from robpats <>:

Python 3.6.8 / 3.7.9 / 3.8.7

>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree
>>> e = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring('<html><div 
>>> class="row"/><hr/><div/><hr/><div class="row"/><button/></html>')
>>> list(e)
[<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024CD220>, <Element 'hr' at 0x00000000024CD2C0>, 
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F90E0>, <Element 'hr' at 0x00000000024F9130>, 
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F9180>, <Element 'button' at 0x00000000024F91D0>]
>>> e.find("./div[1]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024CD220>
>>> e.find("./div[2]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F90E0>
>>> e.find("./div[3]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F9180>
>>> e.find("./hr[1]")
<Element 'hr' at 0x00000000024CD2C0>
>>> e.find("./hr[2]")
<Element 'hr' at 0x00000000024F9130>

# The following different from XPath implementation in Firefox

>>> list(e.iterfind("./*"))
[<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024CD220>, <Element 'hr' at 0x00000000024CD2C0>, 
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F90E0>, <Element 'hr' at 0x00000000024F9130>, 
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F9180>, <Element 'button' at 0x00000000024F91D0>]
>>> e.find("./*[1]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024CD220>
>>> e.find("./*[2]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F90E0>   <-- should be 'hr', same as 
e.find("./div[2]") instead of e[2]
>>> e.find("./*[3]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F9180>   <-- same as e.find("./div[3]") instead 
of e[3]
>>> e.find("./*[4]")

>>> list(e.iterfind("./*[@class='row']"))
[<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024CD220>, <Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F9180>]
>>> e.find("./*[@class='row'][1]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024CD220>
>>> e.find("./*[@class='row'][2]")
>>> e.find("./*[@class='row'][3]")
<Element 'div' at 0x00000000024F9180>   <--- cannot find element at [2] but 
found at [3]

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 384851
nosy: robpats
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Strange XPath search behavior of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.find
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8

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