New submission from Eryk Sun <>: handles TimeoutExpired by terminating the process and waiting 
on it. In POSIX, the exception object contains the partially read stdout and 
stderr bytes. For example:

    cmd = 'echo spam; echo eggs >&2; sleep 2'
    try: p =, shell=True, capture_output=True,
                            text=True, timeout=1)
    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: ex = e
    >>> ex.stdout, ex.stderr
    (b'spam\n', b'eggs\n')

In Windows, has to finish reading output with a second 
communicate() call, after which it manually sets the exception's stdout and 
stderr attributes.

The poses the problem that the second communicate() call may block 
indefinitely, even though the child process has terminated.

The primary issue is that the pipe handles may be inherited by one or more 
descendant processes (e.g. via shell=True), which are all regarded as potential 
writers that keep the pipe from closing. Reading from an open pipe that's empty 
will block until data becomes available. This is generally desirable for 
efficiency, compared to polling in a loop. But in this case, the downside is 
that run() in Windows will effectively ignore the given timeout.

Another problem is that _communicate() writes the input to stdin on the calling 
thread with a single write() call. If the input exceeds the pipe capacity (4 
KiB by default -- but a pipesize 'suggested' size could be supported), the 
write will block until the child process reads the excess data. This could 
block indefinitely, which will effectively ignore a given timeout. The POSIX 
implementation, in contrast, correctly handles a timeout in this case.

Another problem is that Popen.__exit__() closes the stdout, stderr, and stdin 
files without regard to the _communicate() worker threads. This may seem 
innocuous, but if a worker thread is blocked on synchronous I/O with one of 
these files, WinAPI CloseHandle() will also block if it's closing the last 
handle for the file in the current process. (In this case, the kernel I/O 
manager has a close procedure that waits to acquire the file for the current 
thread before performing various housekeeping operations, primarily in the 
filesystem, such as clearing byte-range locks set by the current process.) A 
blocked close() is easy to demonstrate. For example:

    args = 'python -c "import time; time.sleep(99)"'
    p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    try: p.communicate(timeout=1)
    except: pass

    p.kill() # terminates the shell process -- not python.exe
    with p: pass # stdout.close() blocks until python.exe exits

I think the Windows implementation of Popen._communicate() needs to be 
redesigned as follows: 

    * read in chunks, with a size from 1 byte up to the maximum available,
      as determined by _winapi.PeekNamedPipe()
    * write to the child's stdin on a separate thread
    * after communicate() has started, ensure that synchronous I/O in worker
      threads has been canceled via CancelSynchronousIo() before closing 
      the pipes.

The _winapi module would need to wrap OpenThread() and CancelSynchronousIo(), 
plus define the TERMINATE_THREAD (0x0001) access right.

With the proposed changes, would no longer special case 
TimeoutExpired for Windows.

components: Library (Lib), Windows
messages: 387822
nosy: eryksun, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sometimes ignores timeout in Windows
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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