Andrew Dailey <> added the comment:

Yea, I'm still on the hunt for a better way to solve my primary problem: detect 
an acme-tls/1 ALPN protocol request during the TLS handshake so that I can swap 
out the context to one with the cert chain that Let's Encrypt is expecting to 

It seems like OpenSSL provides three primary hooks into the handshake: 
ClientHello, servername, and ALPN. The servername callback is the only one that 
can be "officially" customized by Python's SSL API. The ALPN callback seems to 
be used under the hood to implement SSLContext.set_alpn_protocols() but there 
isn't a way to specify complete control of the callback.

My current "hack" is to use the SSLContext._msg_callback to check for the 
acme-tls/1 protocol explicitly:

def msg_callback(conn, direction, version, content_type, msg_type, data):
    if direction == 'read' and b'acme-tls/1' in data:
        print('got an acme-tls/1 request')
        print('set a flag for sni_callback to check, etc etc')

I know this probably isn't a good or safe way to solve the problem. The current 
docs make it sound like sni_callback would be my one-stop shop but that ended 
up not being the case. Maybe I could subclass SSLSocket, override 
do_handshake(), and then swap out the context before or after 
super().do_handshake()? I'm quite new to Python/OpenSSL internals so I'm not 
sure if that is even possible. Can a context be swapped out so late in the 
handshake process?

The SSL_client_hello_get0_ext() function you mentioned could be a contender. 
The _msg_callback I'm currently using _does_ do the trick but maybe shouldn't 
be documented and made official? Regardless of how best to solve my current 
acme-tls/1 ALPN detection issue, the sni_callback won't ever be the full answer 
unless some internal mechanics are added to watch ClientHello and preemptively 
peek at the requested ALPN protocol(s).


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