New submission from Anthony Flury <>:

A commonly asked question on Quora is 'What do *args and **kwargs' mean ?

While it is relatively easy for community to answer these questions the search 
tool on the standard documentation doesn't make it easy.

I understand that 'args' and 'kwargs' are both naming conventions, they are 
very common across the documentation, but searching on '*args' or '**kwargs' 
doesn't actually find anything useful - it certainly doesn't place 
at or close to the top of the list.

It is my view that the documentation should be beginner friendly, but in this 
case (and many other I guess) you have to know what to search for to find 
something useful.

I note that even common phrases in Computing (such as 'variable arguments' or 
'variable parameters') don't find anything useful. The term 'variadic' does 
find the relevant page, but the link displayed in the search results lands on 
the page (but not the relevant section) - and many beginners wont search for 

The index and search need to be improved to help beginners - specifically in 
this case
* Search Index should include common conventional names (such as args, kwargs)
* Search Index should include common computing terms ('variable arguments' for 
example - even if the documentation doesn't actually use that terminology).
* Search should link to the relevant section (and not just the page).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 389442
nosy: anthony-flury, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Search is not beginner friendly
versions: Python 3.9

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