PEW's Corner <> added the comment:

Regarding the custom async iterator, I don't know if this is the problem you're 
referring to, but the following code seems to terminate abruptly when running 
main2() (main1() is fine). This is without your changes, though.

import asyncio

class CustomAsyncIter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.iterator = iter(['A', 'B'])
    def __aiter__(self):
        return self
    async def __anext__(self):
            x = next(self.iterator)
        except StopIteration:
            raise StopAsyncIteration from None
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return x

async def main1():
    iter1 = CustomAsyncIter()
    print(await anext(iter1))       # Prints 'A'
    print(await anext(iter1))       # Prints 'B'
    print(await anext(iter1))       # Raises StopAsyncIteration

async def main2():
    iter1 = CustomAsyncIter()
    print('Before')                 # Prints 'Before'
    print(await anext(iter1, 'Z'))  # Silently terminates the script!!!
    print('After')                  # This never gets executed


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