Ned Deily <> added the comment:

Thanks for providing a detailed and relatively simple-to-run test case for such 
a complicated failure. Not totally surprising for what appears to likely be a 
race condition, I have been unable to reproduce it under several macOS 
environments including in a 10.13.6 VM with multiple cores and under 11.2.3. 
I'm not sure if this would be expected to affect the results but I did receive 
multiple "WARNING: Could not import wedge: Error in getting DynamicWedges" 
messages when running the test case.

Doing a quick exam of the installed set up, it appears that there is no attempt 
to use multiprocessing's "fork" method which is known to be problematic on 
macOS so that's a plus. And there don't appear to be any extension modules so 
the test case is pure Python, eliminating other likely suspects.

One question that does come to mind is exactly which version of Python 3.9.2 
you are testing with; can you provide the results of: /path/to/python3.9 -c 
'import sys;print(sys.version)' ?

Searching, I see a few open issues with segfaults in 
PyObject_RichCompare but nothing that leaps out as being obviously similar. If 
it were possible to reproduce the segfault in other environments, like with 
3.9.4 or on newer versions of macOS or on a current Linux platform, that would 
help to confirm the issue. Even better would be to be able to reproduce the 
issue while running a current Python 3.9 built with --with-pydebug on; 
unfortunately, we don't normally provide pre-built debug binaries on And, of course, running in debug mode could affect the rece 
condition, if that is indeed the issue.

nosy: +davin, pitrou

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