Steven D'Aprano <> added the comment:

Hi John, you said:

> it seems that sorted built-in always return floats before int if they appear 
> to be equal

But that's not correct:

>>> sorted([5.0, 5])
[5.0, 5]
>>> sorted([5, 5.0])
[5, 5.0]

Python's sort is *stable*, which means that the order of two equal values will 
always be the same as before they were sorted.

You then ask:

> So, what about trying to "store" if some float is 12 "in limit" of 12 but 
> from "left/-"? So then it is < than 12.

Short answer: no.

Longer answer: no, we're not going to complicate and slow down both floats and 
sorting in order to give "do what I mean" results for sorting.

What you are seeing is a fundamental limitation of floating point arithmetic. 
On the web, you can find dozens of sites that talk about this, in pretty much 
every single programming language with floating point numbers. You might like 
to start with the Python FAQ:

In your case, you are being tripped up by the fact that there is no such float 
as either 11.9999999999999999 or 12.0000000000000001. Both of those are rounded 
to *exactly* 12.0, as the float data type only has (approximately) 17 decimal 
places of precision.

This is a fundamental feature of floating point numbers and there is nothing we 
can do about that without massively complicating and slowing down floats.

By the way, Decimal are floating point numbers too. They are equally affected 
by this, except that being stored in decimal with more digits by default, 
rather than binary, it is not so easy to trip over it. But it can certainly 
happen to Decimals as well.

nosy: +steven.daprano
resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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