Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

In order to understand what Paul is concretely proposing, I read and partly 
reviewed his PR.  I thought about maintainability.

Part A adds test.support.hypothesis_helper, similar in purpose to other 
specialized xyz_helper modules.  Hypothesis_helper imports either hypothesis 
itself or a replacement 'as hypothesis'.  The replacement is currently called 
'_hypothesis_stub', but its name is irrelevant as it is normally not seen by 
the user.

Part B adds a second zoneinfo test module, one that uses hypothesis. Besides 
further testing zoneinfo, it serves to test hypothesis_helper and partly 
justify its addition.  It starts with 'from hypothesis_helper import 
hypothesis.  The new test module has tests such as

            hypothesis.strategies.datetimes(), hypothesis.strategies.times()
    @hypothesis.example(dt=datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1))
    @hypothesis.example(dt=datetime.datetime(2039, 1, 1))
    @hypothesis.example(dt=datetime.time(12, 0))
    @hypothesis.example(dt=datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 999999))
    def test_utc(self, dt):
        zi = self.klass("UTC")
        dt_zi = dt.replace(tzinfo=zi)

        self.assertEqual(dt_zi.utcoffset(), ZERO)
        self.assertEqual(dt_zi.dst(), ZERO)
        self.assertEqual(dt_zi.tzname(), "UTC")

@given always (Paul?) runs the examples as subtests.  When the replacement is 
imported, no randomized examples are added.

If some year an example were to fail, could a hypothesis-ignorant 
zoneinfo-knowing person deal with the failure?  I believe so, knowing that the 
above is equivalent to a test with "for dt in dt_list:\n  with 
self.subTest(...):\n    <body of function>"

Why not require such a rewriting?  Some reasons against: Rewriting by hand can 
lead to errors.  test_utc would have to be split into test_utc_ran(dom) and 
test_utc_pre(set).  Code would have to be duplicated unless factored into a 
third function.  For and with together add two indents, which sometimes 
squeezes assert onto more lines.  I believe that when hypothesis is present, 
there are advantages to including preset examples with given-generated examples.

Paul would like the PR to be a 'camel's nose' in the CPython tent.  This cuts 
both ways.  I think this PR should be judged on its own merits.  Opening 
possibilities can be a merit as long as not seen as pre-approval.  Our CI 
testing and buildbots are already configured to blame and annoy the wrong 
people for random failures.  I don't want more unless failure notices are sent 
to someone responsible for the failing code.

versions: +Python 3.9

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