Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

The confusion is my fault: PR-26404 is where I first saw this failure, for the 
previously added tests, not where the test was added.  I unlinked the erroneous 

Running 12 duplicate tests in parallel on Windows on a 6 core (12 CPU) machine 

f:\dev\3x>python -m test -j12  -ugui -m test_incremental_editing test_idle 
test_idle test_idle test_idle test_idle test_idle test_idle test_idle test_idle 
test_idle test_idle test_idle

resulted in nearly all failing.  Half or less failed with -j6, usually one with 
-j3, none without -j.  Are the processess failing because of interaction with 
each other?  Or from be switched with other processes?

Back with -j12: increasing the after delay in run_in_tk_mainloop from 1 to 5 
cut the failures down to 0-4 in 12.  Increasing further to 8 resulting in no 
failures.  Note that human keystrokes are at least, say, 50 milliseconds (1/20 
second) apart.

I am reluctant to add a delay that is mostly not needed, so i tried the 
uploaded 'adaptive' code to only add a long delay if needed.  Uploaded.  But 
when a tested failed once, it failed again even with the delay, and contrary to 
the results above.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50084/tkinter_testing_utils.py

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