Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

With 3.10.0b2 on my MacBook Air, completions work as far as I tested, with Edit 
=> Show completions, Tab, and ^-Space.

int.(configered pause)
int.<^-Space, after dismissing box with Esc key>

3.9.5, without the patch, remains buggy.  I attribute the difference to using 
tcl/tk 8.6.11 in 3.10 versus 8.6.8 in 3.9 (and 3.8 and worse previously).

3.9.5, with the patch, the above work.  I will apply the patch in main and then 
backport because other Mac installers may have not switched to 8.6.11, I am not 
sure it never helps with 8.6.11, I prefer to keep active versions in sync, and 
it should not hurt except for a micro slowdown.

I opened #44398 for the hotkey issue.

stage:  -> patch review
versions: +Python 3.10, Python 3.11 -Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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