Ryan Hileman <lunixbo...@gmail.com> added the comment:

> The monotonic clock should thus be based on QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime

My primary complaint here is that Windows is the only major platform with a low 
resolution monotonic clock. Using QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime() on older OS 
versions wouldn't entirely help that, so we have the same consistency issue 
(just on a smaller scale). I would personally need to still use 
time.perf_counter() instead of time.monotonic() due to this, but I'm not 
totally against it.

> For consistency, an external deadline (e.g. for SIGINT support) should work 
> the same way.

Have there been any issues filed about the deadline behaviors across system 

> which I presume includes most users of Python 3.9+

Seems like Windows 7 may need to be considered as well, as per vstinner's 
bpo-32592 mention?

> starting with Windows 8, WaitForSingleObject() and WaitForMultipleObjects() 
> exclude time when the system is suspended

Looks like Linux (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and macOS (mach_absolute_time()) already 
don't track suspend time in time.monotonic(). I think that's enough to suggest 
that long-term Windows shouldn't either, but I don't know how to reconcile that 
with my desire for Windows not to be the only platform with low resolution 
monotonic time by default.

> then the change to use QueryPerformanceCounter() to resolve bpo-41299 should 
> be reverted. The deadline should instead be computed with 
> QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime()

I don't agree with this, as it would regress the fix. This is more of a topic 
for bpo-41299, but I tested QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime() and it exhibits the 
same 16ms jitter as GetTickCount64() (which I expected), so non-precise 
interrupt time can't solve this issue. I do think 
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise() would be a good fit. I think making this 
particular timeout unbiased (which would be a new behavior) should be a lower 
priority than making it not jitter.

> For Windows we could implement the following clocks:

I think that list is great and making those enums work with clock_gettime on 
Windows sounds like a very clear improvement to the timing options available. 
Having the ability to query each clock source directly would also reduce the 
impact if time.monotonic() does not perfectly suit a specific application.


I think my current positions after writing all of this are:

- I would probably be in support of a 3.11+ change for time.monotonic() to use 
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime() pre-Windows 10, and dynamically use 
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise() on Windows 10+. Ideally the Windows 
clock_gettime() code lands in the same release, so users can directly pick 
their time source if necessary. This approach also helps my goal of making 
time.monotonic()'s suspend behavior more uniform across platforms.

- Please don't revert bpo-41299 (especially the backports), as it does fix the 
issue and tracking suspend time is the same (not a regression) as the previous 
GetTickCount64() code. I think the lock timeouts should stick with QPC 
pre-Windows-10 to fix the jitter, but could use 
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise() on Windows 10+ (which needs the same 
runtime check as the time.monotonic() change, thus could probably land in the 
same patch set).

- I'm honestly left with more questions than I started after diving into the 
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime() rabbit hole. I assume it's not a catastrophic 
issue? Maybe it's a situation where adding the clock_gettime() enums would 
sufficiently help anyone who cares about the exact behavior during clock 
modification. I don't have strong opinions about it, besides it being a shame 
that Windows currently has lower precision timestamps in general. Could be 
worth doing a survey of other languages' choices, but any further discussion 
can probably go to bpo-19007.


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