New submission from Chris Trent <>:

The documentation pages for the tkinter module are not actually documentation. 
They are tutorials, which belong on the wiki. "Documentation" is not 
documentation if it does not provide at bare minimum a structured list of all 
names exposed by the module's public interface. 

Python's official docs should be the sole authoritative source for full, 
complete, useful documentation of everything one could need to know about a 
module, but instead, We're forced to go to 3rd party sites of dubious 
provenance and questionable accuracy, instead of being able to just go to the 
source, and find a page to, I don't know, find out what kinds of panels we have 
to work with.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 396313
nosy: arkevorkhat, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: TKinter docs page does not provide actual documentation
versions: Python 3.9

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