Paul Ganssle <> added the comment:

If we want to confine the behavior to just the repl, we could possibly have the 
repl set an environment variable or something of that nature for interactive 
sessions, so that `__repr__` of `exit` can tell the difference between being 
invoked in a REPL and not — though I suppose it could cause some pretty 
frustrating and confusing behavior if some library function is doing something 
like this behind the scenes:

def get_all_reprs():
    return {
      v: repr(obj) for v, obj in globals()

You could invoke some function and suddenly your shell quits for no apparent 
reason. And if it only happens when triggered in a REPL, you'd be doubly 
confused because you can't reproduce it with a script.

I do think the "type exit() to exit" is a papercut. The ideal way to fix it 
would be in the REPL layer by special-casing `exit`, but I realize that that 
may introduce unnecessary complexity that isn't worth it for this one thing.

> Second, if absolutely necessary we could ask the user to confirm that they 
> want to exit.

A thought occurs: we could simply re-word the message to make it seem like 
we're asking for confirmation:

>>> exit
Do you really want to exit? Press Ctrl+Z to confirm, or type exit() to exit 
without confirmation.

Then it won't seem as much like we know what you meant to do but aren't doing 
it, despite the fact that the behavior is exactly the same 😅.

nosy: +p-ganssle

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