Ken Jin <> added the comment:

> 2. Different handling of virtual subclasses:

This looks like a bug. I think the union form of isinstance/issubclass should 
have the same behavior as the tuple form. We promise checking of virtual 
classes in the docs for union types:

The fix seems to be changing one line of code in Objects/unionobject.c from 
PyType_IsSubtype to PyObject_IsSubclass. Since it isn't a large change and it's 
a bug, I think we can backport it to 3.10 too.

@Serhiy and Guido,
> 1. Different handling of None:

> Ken Jin, should we treat type(None) as a subclass of int|None?

I think we can avoid this special case altogether by converting all None to 
type(None) when creating _Py_Union. This is what the typing.Union counterpart 
does, and it is also what PEP 484 says about None

>>> Union[None, str].__args__
(<class 'NoneType'>, <class 'str'>)

Though I know some people are opinionated about None -> type(None).

This would require adding one more check at .
Maybe this?

    i_element = &_PyNone_Type


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