New submission from AR <>:

I propose to add an insert method to a SQLite cursor object, believe this could 
greatly improve readability of python code when you have to do a lot of insert 
operations to a different tables. 

Currently we have to create a dictionary with SQL's for each table:
insert_sql = {'form_a': """INSERT INTO table_a (field_a1, field_a2) VALUES(:f1, 
              'form_b': """INSERT INTO table_b (field_b1, field_b2, field_b3) 
VALUES(:f1, :f2, :f3),
               ....other SQL statements }"""
or we may use version with unnamed parameters:
insert_sql = {'form_a': """INSERT INTO table_a (field_a1, field_a2) VALUES(?, 
              'form_b': """INSERT INTO table_b (field_b1, field_b2, field_b3) 
VALUES(?, ?, ?),
               ....other SQL statements }"""
The first one is conveniently compatible with cx_Oracle bind variable syntax, 
rows that are inserted are essentially dictionary. As dictionary is a mutable 
type, some extra freedom during construction of the row is allowed.

The second syntax(qmark style) is specific to SQLite, rows that are inserted 
should have tuple type (namedtuple for us to be able to extract field names at 
later stage).
entries_dict = [{'field_a1': 100, 'field_a2': 'sample1'},
                {'field_a1': 500, 'field_a2': 'sample2'}]
DataRow = namedtuple('DataRow', ['field_a1', 'field_a2'])
entries_namedtuple = [DataRow(101, 'sample3'), DataRow(505, 'sample4')]

In order to do an insert, you have to use either execute, or executemany:
cursor.executemany(insert_sql['form_a'], entries_dict)
cursor.execute(insert_sql['form_a'], entries_dict[0])

Now let's move towards future insert method of cursor. As a first step, lets 
create SQL statement on the fly:
table_name = 'table_a'

#in case of a list of dictionaries:
sql = """INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})""".format(table_name, ', 
'.join([str(key) for key in entries_dict[0]]),
                                    ', '.join([':' + str(key) for key in 
#currently, to do an insert operation, we have to:
cursor.executemany(sql, entries_dict)

#in case of a list of namedtuples:
sql = """INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})""".format(table_name, ', 
'.join([str(field) for field in entries_namedtuple[0]._fields]),
                                    ', '.join(['?' for field in 
#currently, to do an insert operation, we have to:
cursor.executemany(sql, entries_namedtuple)

Now back to the proposal of insert method with unified syntax (one/many and 
dict/namedtuple). Let's do a second step and add an Insert method to a Cursor. 
The idea is to provide this method with table name, extract column names from 
supplied dict/namedtuple and use SQL generators from above. Than we could 
replace old cursor.executemany syntax with:

cursor.insert(table_name, entries_dict)
cursor.insert(table_name, entries_dict[0])
cursor.insert(table_name, entries_tuple)

Since we may insert all, or any row of two types, this looks even more pythonic 
than pymongo(MongoDB) approach:
Actually, the fact that pymongo insert code is so much cleaner and concise drew 
my attention. Other aspects of that lib are totally different story.

I do not propose to generalize, or to move towards ORM or pymongo way of doing 
things. The scope is limited - lets do a convenient insert.

Simplified implementation could be like this:

    def insert(self, table_name, entries):
        if(type(entries) == list):             # several records(rows) need to 
be inserted
            do_insert = self.executemany
            if(hasattr(entries[0], '_fields')): #NamedTuple
                sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})".format(table_name, ', 
'.join([str(field) for field in entries[0]._fields]),
                                        ', '.join(['?' for field in 
            elif(type(entries[0] == dict)):     #dict
                sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})".format(table_name, ', 
'.join([str(key) for key in entries[0]]),
                                        ', '.join([':' + str(key) for key in 
        else:                                   #just one record(row)
            do_insert = self.execute
            if(hasattr(entries, '_fields')):    #NamedTuple
                sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})".format(table_name, ', 
'.join([str(field) for field in entries._fields]),
                                        ', '.join(['?' for field in 
            elif(type(entries == dict)):
                sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES({})".format(table_name, ', 
'.join([str(key) for key in entries]),
                                        ', '.join([':' + str(key) for key in 
        do_insert(sql, entries)    

If proposal is not feasible/doesn’t fit to a broad concept, I suggest to 
mention in documentation
- list comprehension one-line SQL-generators (see above)
- remind users who create list of dictionaries for bulk insert that a copy of 
the dict should be used. Otherwise all dicts inside a list would be the same
entries_dict.append(entry_dict.copy()). Definitely, as namedtuple is immutable, 
no need for extra steps for a list of namedtuples.

components: Extension Modules
messages: 399663
nosy: AR
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [sqlite3] insert
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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