Brian Skinn <> added the comment:

If I understand the problem correctly, these mis-attributions of roles (to 
'data' instead of 'class' come about when a thing that is technically a class 
is defined in source using simple assignment, as with UnionType.

Problematic entries will thus have 'data' as role, and their identifiers will 
be camel-cased.

So, as a quick search to identify likely candidates:

>>> import re, sphobjinv as soi
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> inv = soi.Inventory(url="";)

# Find entries where the first character after the final period
# is uppercase, and the second character after the final period
# is lowercase.
>>> pat = re.compile(r"([.][A-Z][a-z])[^.]*$")

>>> pprint([ for obj in inv.objects if obj.role == "data" and 


I would guess those 'ast.PyCF...' objects can be ignored, they appear to be 

nosy: +bskinn

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