Josh Rosenberg <> added the comment:

Hmm... Key-sharing dictionaries were accepted largely without question because 
they didn't harm code that broke them (said code gained nothing, but lost 
nothing either), and provided a significant benefit. Specifically:

1. They imposed no penalty on code that violated the code-style recommendation 
to initialize all variables consistently in __init__ (code that always ended up 
using a non-sharing dict). Such classes don't benefit, but neither do they get 
penalized (just a minor CPU cost to unshare when it realized sharing wouldn't 

2. It imposes no penalty for using vars(object)/object.__dict__ when you don't 
modify the set of keys (so reading or changing values of existing attributes 
caused no problems).

The initial version of this worsens case #2; you'd have to convert to 
key-sharing dicts, and possibly to unshared dicts a moment later, if the set of 
attributes is changed. And when it happens, you'd be paying the cost of the now 
defunct values pointer storage for the life of each instance (admittedly a 
small cost).

But the final proposal compounds this, because the penalty for lazy attribute 
creation (directly, or dynamically by modifying via vars()/__dict__) is now a 
per-instance cost of n pointers (one for each value).

The CPython codebase rarely uses lazy attribute creation, but AFAIK there is no 
official recommendation to avoid it (not in PEP 8, not in the official 
tutorial, not even in PEP 412 which introduced Key-Sharing Dictionaries). 
Imposing a fairly significant penalty on people who aren't even violating 
language recommendations, let alone language rules, seems harsh.

I'm not against this initial version (one pointer wasted isn't so bad), but the 
additional waste in the final version worries me greatly.

Beyond the waste, I'm worried how you'd handle the creation of the first 
instance of such a class; you'd need to allocate and initialize an instance 
before you know how many values to tack on to the object. Would the first 
instance use a real dict during the first __init__ call that it would use to 
realloc the instance (and size all future instances) at the end of __init__? Or 
would it be realloc-ing for each and every attribute creation? In either case, 
threading issues seem like a problem.

Seems like:

1. Even in the ideal case, this only slightly improves memory locality, and 
only provides a fixed reduction in memory usage per-instance (the dict header 
and a little allocator round-off waste), not one that scales with number of 

2. Classes that would benefit from this would typically do better to use 
__slots__ (now that dataclasses.dataclass supports slots=True, encouraging that 
as a default use case adds little work for class writers to use them)

If the gains are really impressive, might still be worth it. But I'm just 
worried that we'll make the language penalize people who don't know to avoid 
lazy attribute creation. And the complexity of this layered:

1. Not-a-dict
2. Key-sharing-dict
3. Regular dict

approach makes me worry it will allow subtle bugs in key-sharing dicts to go 
unnoticed (because so little code would still use them).

nosy: +josh.r

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