Dong-hee Na <> added the comment:


I agree with your concern, if authors want to use this constant,
they need to use the mentioned workaround to import it.
But we already have cases that add such constants if we considered them as 
useful constants.

So I think that the main concern of this issue is that how it will be useful.
In my case, if I should write the utility to generate random tokens for 
authentication in python, I always write a single trivial code to use 
ascii_alphanumerics, that's why I thought that this constant can be useful.
FYI We already have the same use case in official documentation[1] also.

But if other core devs also thought that this is not that commonly well-used 
case, I will change my mind to -1 since we can not support all ASCII 
variations(e.g ascii_number_special) and I agree with that point.



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