R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> added the comment:

I applied the patch against the trunk, and 'make' failed:

  File "/home/rdmurray/python/Issue1174606/Lib/platform.py", line 932,
in _syscmd_uname
    output = string.strip(f.read())
OverflowError: requested number of bytes is more than a Python string
can hold

I can confirm that the issue still exists on the trunk.

Py3k doesn't benefit from the linux /dev/zero optimization because it
has its own I/O layer, so it takes it a _lot_ longer to get to the
failure point...which is more pathological than the py2 behavior:

rdmur...@partner:~/python/py3k>./python -c 'open("/dev/zero").read()'
zsh: segmentation fault  ./python -c 'open("/dev/zero").read()'

Which I think makes this a 'crash' bug on py3k.

nosy: +benjamin.peterson, bitdancer
stage:  -> needs patch
type:  -> crash
versions: +Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1

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