Joshua Bronson <> added the comment:

Dear Raymond,

Thanks so much for the detailed response!

I wonder if you could explain how this case is different from the following:

>>> c = collections.ChainMap({1: 1}, {1: 2})
>>> iter(c)
<dict_keyiterator object at ...>
>>> isinstance(c, dict)  # it's fine, we <3 duck typing!

Now suppose a new .mapping attribute were added to dict_keyiterator objects in 
a future version of Python, like the one that was added to dict view objects in 
Python 3.10. Then, wouldn't ChainMap find itself in a similar predicament as 
this issue is raising?

>>> iter(c).mapping
mappingproxy({1: None})

As in my example above, the {1: None} mapping here is an implementation detail 
of ChainMap.__iter__() that was never intended to be leaked to users. (Ref: 

Note also that ChainMap.__iter__() returns a dict_keyiterator object even 
though issubclass(ChainMap, dict) is False. We consider this just fine though, 
because the dict_keyiterator object currently behaves exactly like the 
generator object we would get if the code had done a `yield from d` rather than 
a `return iter(d)`. Except for being faster.

This parallels the implementations of bidict.keys()/values()/items(), which 
currently return dict_keys/dict_values/dict_items objects generated from 
internal data, that behave exactly like KeysViews(b)/ValuesView(b)/ItemsView(b) 
would*, except for being faster. And, as this issue is raising, except for this 
new .mapping attribute in Python 3.10+ now leaking internal state.

* I even have the passing property-based tests to prove it: 

(I also have counterpoints for your other feedback, but wanted to post this 
part first. And sorry for my delay in responding – hope it's not too late! And 
finally thanks so much again for considering this and for the time you took to 
give feedback on bidict – there's literally no better-qualified person in the 
world. I so appreciate it!)


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