Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> added the comment:

> comparison    ::=  or_expr (comp_operator or_expr)*

So, the meaning of these names like this is, "lt followed by an optional 
bitwise_or expression"?

    | eq_bitwise_or
    | noteq_bitwise_or
    | lte_bitwise_or
    | lt_bitwise_or
    | gte_bitwise_or
    | gt_bitwise_or
    | notin_bitwise_or
    | in_bitwise_or
    | isnot_bitwise_or
    | is_bitwise_or

eq_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '==' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
Eq, a) }
    | (tok='!=' { _PyPegen_check_barry_as_flufl(p, tok) ? NULL : tok}) 
a=bitwise_or {_PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, NotEq, a) }
lte_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '<=' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
LtE, a) }
lt_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '<' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
Lt, a) }
gte_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '>=' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
GtE, a) }
gt_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: '>' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
Gt, a) }
notin_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'not' 'in' a=bitwise_or { 
_PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, NotIn, a) }
in_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'in' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
In, a) }
isnot_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'is' 'not' a=bitwise_or { 
_PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, IsNot, a) }
is_bitwise_or[CmpopExprPair*]: 'is' a=bitwise_or { _PyPegen_cmpop_expr_pair(p, 
Is, a) }


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