New submission from Nikita Sobolev <>:

Why is this important?
1. Because multiple inheritance of `TypedDict` might not handle 
`__required_keys__`, or `__optional_keys__`, or `__annotations__` correctly, 
this is especially important because some classes might be defined as 
`total=False` and some as `total=True`
2. Some classes might be defined inline as `T = TypedDict('T', ...)`
3. Moreover, we have a special error we have to check: all superclasses must be 
`TypedDict`s as well (coverage shows that this error is not covered)

I will send a PR for this.

components: Tests
messages: 411030
nosy: sobolevn
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Multiple inheritance of TypedDict is not covered in `test_typing`
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.11

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