New submission from Nikita Sobolev <>:

Right now in `DeprecatedList` there's a possibly unwated name leak of 
`method_name` here:

for method_name in [
        locals()[method_name] = _wrap_deprecated_method(method_name)


>>> import importlib
>>> import importlib.metadata
>>> importlib.metadata.DeprecatedList.method_name

Right now `method_name` is unused, undocumented, and untested.

My proposal is to add `del method_name` after the `for` loop, so it won't leak.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 411855
nosy: brett.cannon, jaraco, sobolevn
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: `importlib.metadata.DeprecatedList` leaks `method_name` variable
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.11

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