New submission from Ken Jin <>:

`super().meth()` is expensive. I propose to optimize 3 parts of this:

1. Avoid creating a temporary super() proxy object.
2. Avoid creating a bound method.
3. Avoid method lookup in super MRO using the inline cache.

Credit for 1. and 2. doesn't belong to me. Those were inspired by the excellent 
work done in issue43563.

I'll do this by combining the adjacent CALL (super) and LOAD_METHOD 
instructions into CALL_NO_KW_SUPER__LOAD_METHOD. Using the specializer means:

- We don't touch any compiler code.
- This custom instruction isn't revealed to the user
- I can make use of the 5 cache entries shared by both CALL_ADAPTIVE and 

The final 2-argument super(type, obj).meth() form will have almost no overhead 
over a corresponding self.meth() call in the current implementation.

Please see and for more info.

assignee: kj
components: Interpreter Core
messages: 412005
nosy: Mark.Shannon, kj
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Near zero-cost super().meth() calls via adaptive superinstructions
type: performance
versions: Python 3.11

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