New submission from michaellongge <>:

When i try to execute --link.exe *.obj-- on windows 11, i get one error
LIB : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'Files.obj'
It looks like a space path error
so i run [os.spawnv(link.exe)] alone try to find out where made this error.
But i cant DEBUG os.spawnv() on Pycharm.
When the cursor on os.spawnv() line then press [Step Into], cursor jump to (216) it's in "def basename()"  not in "def spawnv()"

so this issue contain 2 parts error such as "Program Files (x86)"
2.DEBUG cant jump to right place

Here is my salmpe code.I have tried python3.8 and python3.10 both same error
import os


cmd310 = ["/LIBPATH:D:\\python310\\lib\\site-packages\\torch\\lib", 
"/LIBPATH:D:\\python310\\libs", "/LIBPATH:D:\\python310\\PCbuild\\amd64", 
"/LIBPATH:C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\NETFXSDK\\4.8\\lib\\um\\x64", 
"/LIBPATH:C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows 
Kits\\10\\lib\\10.0.19041.0\\ucrt\\x64", "/LIBPATH:C:\\Program Files 
(x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\lib\\10.0.19041.0\\um\\x64", 
"/LIBPATH:D:\\VS2019\\VC\\Auxiliary\\VS\\lib\\x64", "/LIBPATH:C:\\Program Files 
(x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Lib\\10.0.19041.0\\ucrt\\x64", "/LIBPATH:C:\\Program 
Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Lib\\10.0.19041.0\\ucrt_enclave\\x64", 
"/LIBPATH:C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows 
Kits\\10\\Lib\\10.0.19041.0\\um\\x64", "/LIBPATH:C:\\Program Files (x86)
 \\Windows Kits\\NETFXSDK\\4.8\\lib\\um\\x64", "/LIBPATH:D:\\python310\\libs", 
"c10.lib", "torch.lib", "torch_cpu.lib", "torch_python.lib"]
rc = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, executable, cmd310)

components: Build
messages: 412129
nosy: michaellongge
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: cant DEBUG os.spawnv()
versions: Python 3.10

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