Eryk Sun <> added the comment:

Check your settings in the registry.

In "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts" there 
should be a ".py" key, but not necessarily. It should have an "OpenWithList" 
subkey that contains an "MRUList" value (most recently used list). The value 
should be a sequence of letters, each of which should be a value name in the 
key. If the launcher was last used to open a ".py" file, the first letter in 
the list should be a value with the data "py.exe".

Ideally there should also be a subkey named "UserChoice" that contains a 
"ProgId" (programmatic identifier) value with the data "Python.File". This sets 
the "Python.File" ProgID as the locked-in user choice for ".py" files. In the 
GUI, you can set this in the open-with dialog by selecting "always use this app 
to open .py files". The selected app should be "Python", with an icon that 
contains the Python logo and a rocket (the launcher).

If ".py" isn't the locked-in user choice, the shell API will use the most 
recent user selection in the open-with menu. If there's no user selection, the 
default association is calculated from "HKCR\.py", which is a merged view of 
"[HKCU|HKLM]\Software\Classes\.py". The default value of "HKCR\.py" sets the 
default file association. Ideally it should be "Python.File".

"HKCR\Python.File" is a merged view of 
"[HKCU|HKLM]\Software\Classes\Python.File". For the merged view, if a value 
name is defined in the same subkey of HKCU and HKLM, the view prefers the HKCU 
value. There should be a subkey named "shell\editwithidle\shell". It should 
define one or more subkeys named "edit3*", such as "edit310". Each should 
contain a "MUIVerb" value that sets the command description in the "open-with" 
menu. There should also be a "command" subkey that contains the template 
command as its default value, e.g. ""C:\Program Files\Python310\pythonw.exe" -m 
idlelib "%L" %*".

nosy: +eryksun

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