New submission from cowlinator <>:

If `importlib.metadata.version` can't find the distribution version, it seems 
to return the result of a local `git describe`.  I don't know if this is 
git-specific, or which other SCMs this might try to interact with.

The result of `importlib.metadata.version` varies depending on whether the 
local directory happens to be a git repo.

This is unexpected and undocumented. Based on the documentation, I expected 
that when it couldn't find the distribution version, it would ALWAYS raise and 
exception or return nothing.

In order to properly document this, you'll have to figure out all of the SCMs 
that it might interact with.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 412227
nosy: cowlinator, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: [doc] Undocumented behavior of importlib.metadata.version
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.11, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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