Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

'│' is a bit taller that ascii bar '|'; hex(ord('│')) = '0x2502'.   It is a bit 
heavy.  In this Windows Firefox box it is slightly lighter than | but in IDLE 
with Source Code Pro, it is slightly darder.  Worse is being centered instead 
of on one edge.

We would have to check it with multiple fixed-ascii-pitch fonts on multiple 
systems before using any non-ascii char.  Does it always have the exact width 
of ascii ' ' or easier to check, ascii '|', so that is does not change the 
indent?   This is easily tested in the Settings dialog Font tab sample box.  
Paste the following
It passes with all but one of the Windows mono fonts I tried.

I may ask a tk/tkinter question on SO about other possible options.  Testing 
this one in code:

if a:  # Put 1st bar on 4th space.
    if b:
   │    if c:
   │   │    pass
    if d:
   │    pass

if a: # Put 1st bar on 5th space.
    if b:
    │   if c:
    │   │   pass
    if d:
    │   pass

if a: # Put 1st bar on 1st space.
│   if b:
│   │   if c:
│   │   │   pass
│   if d:
│   │   pass

The 2nd option looks best to me.  The 3rd would be easier to program, as 
default tab indent would always be '│   '.  In any case, copied code would not 
be runnable code.  I would add this on the Option menu between Code Context and 
Line Numbers.

I believe only updating the markers on demand would be much easier to program 
than dynamically updating them with each keystroke (checking key and whether 
whitespace in indent area).

Before merging a PR (writen by someone else), someone other than me, such as 
Raymond, must test it in real use both for correctness, usefulness, and 
aesthetics.  (I anticipate that I would fail it on the latter two.)


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